Application programming interface

Extending econ-ws Web Services with JSON-LD and Other RDF Output Formats

From the beginning, our econ-ws (terminology) web services for economics produce tabular output, very much like the results of a SQL query. Not a surprise - they are based on SPARQL, and use the well-defined table-shaped SPARQL 1.1 query results formats in JSON and XML, which can be easily transformed to HTML. But there are services, whose results not really fit this pattern, because they are inherently tree-shaped. This is true especially for the /combined1 and the /mappings service. For the former, see our prior blog post; an example of the latter may be given here: The mappings of the descriptor International trade policy are (in html) shown as:

concept prefLabel relation targetPrefLabel targetConcept target
<> "International trade policy" @en <> "International trade policies" @en <> <>
<> "International trade policy" @en <> "Commercial policy" @en <> <>

That´s far from perfect - the "concept" and "prefLabel" entries of the source concept(s) of the mappings are identical over multiple rows.

Web Services for Economics

As the publisher of the STW Thesaurus for Economics, ZBW provides experimental thesaurus web services for use by humans and by machines. In the first instance these services are designed to support autosuggest functions and query expansion in the context of information retrieval applications. Parts of the delivered data originate from datasets which were created by third parties and shared through open licenses.

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