Expert journal of marketing

PPN 778946770, ZSP 239
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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 21 to 40 of 49
Year of PublicationTitlePerson(s)
2019 Policies and proposals of primary importance for a sustainable tourism development and a competitive Greek tourist productTzioras, Nikolaos
2019 Inbound marketing vs. outbound marketing : independent or complementary strategiesDakouan, Chouaib; Benabdelouahed, Redouane; Anabir, Hajar
2019 The digital sales transformation featured by precise retail marketing strategyZhu, Guoan; Gao, Xue
2019 The role of corporate image in mediating the effect of service quality on buying decision for a retail outlet in BaliSadiartha, Anak Agung Ngurah Gede; Darmiyanti, Ni Luh
2019 Maintaining the quality of Tuna of Aceh for the Japanese export marketChan, Syafruddin; Tabrani, Mirza; Fitri, Fauziah Aida
2018 The seal of approval : introducing the third-party seal modelMurphy, Daniel
2018 Service quality of internet banking from an Indonesian perspectiveAsni, Kurnia; Nasir; Yunus, Mukhlis; Nurdasila
2019 Perceptions of entrepreneurs and innovators regarding radical innovation : fundamentals, requirements, and methodWallace, Dylan; Barnard, Brian
2018 The Internet as an important tool in the tourism industry and its use in customer serviceTzioras, Nikolaos
2018 The effect of marketing mix, service quality, Islamic values and institutional image on students' satisfaction and loyaltyRadiman; Gunawan, Ade; Sri Fitri Wahyuni; Jufrizen
2018 The role of environmental management in tourism marketing development as a means of destination promotionTzioras, Nikolaos
2018 Benefit as a medium for value creation and innovationBarnard, Brian
2018 Marketing strategy for rahn products and transactions at an Indonesian BankHeryanto; Ramadhoni, Evo
2018 Keep them in : how to drive dental consumers' loyalty in the modern era?Alhidari, Abdullah Mohammed; Alkadhi, Omar H.
2018 Export competitiveness of Minahasa Cultural House production in North SulawesiWuisan, Yesita Windi; Murwani, Fulgentius Danardana; Suharto, S. M.
2018 Health awareness and price sensitivity as predictors of consumers' purchase attitude towards soft drinksHamid Saleh, Mahmoud Abdel; Alhidari, Abdullah Mohammed; Al-Mansour, Abdulrahman; Al-Khudhair, AbdulElah
2018 Influence of motivation and self-efficacy on entrepreneurial intention to run a businessSantoso, Singgih; Oetomo, Budi Sutedjo Dharma
2018 Product quality evaluation in physical stores versus online storesȘtir, Mihaela
2017 A multi-method approach to understanding behavior change : the case of texting and drivingHood, Karen M.; Kowalczyk, Christine M.; Hopkins, Christopher D.; Padgett, Daniel
2017 Content marketing strategy : definition, objectives and tacticsVinerean, Simona
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 21 to 40 of 49