Management dynamics in the knowledge economy

PPN 823675920, ZSP 202
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Publikationen (sortiert nach Zugangsdatum in absteigender Richtung): 21 bis 40 von 262
2023 Exploring enterprise-wide risk management system in higher educationBamber, Christopher
2023 How to implement knowledge management in emerging governments in Africa and beyond : a case study on the South African governmentBarbier, Lance; Tengeh, Robertson Khan
2023 The role of leadership in promoting student centred teaching and facilitating learner’s responsible behaviourShinde, Nishigandha; Bamber, Christopher
2023 Key factors influencing customer satisfaction and intention to reuse food ordering appsThuy Ngoc Lam; Vuong Khanh Tuan; Siem Thi Tran
2023 Public debt expectations : the more you know about public debt, the less optimistic you areCiocîrlan, Cecilia; Stancea, Andreea; Stoica, Valentin
2023 A bibliometric analysis of a four-construct framework : innovation management, competitive advantage, agility and organizational performanceJerdea, Loredana
2023 Guest editorial: developing sustainable, innovative, and agile higher education institutions (HEIs)Elezi, Enis; Bamber, Christopher; Nazarian, Alireza
2023 Investigating sustainable business ecosystems and the university role : a cluster analysisSălăgeanu, Bianca-Roxana; Bejinaru, Ruxandra
2023 How shopping was transformed from offline to online space : a case study within the slovak republicNahalkova Tesarova, Eva; Križanová, Anna
2023 Intrinsic incentives for online business reviews : driving knowledge transfer across businessesGingioveanu Lupulescu, Grigoras Mihnea; Zamfir, Francisca-Elena
2023 Knowledge dynamics : exploring its meanings and interpretationsBrătianu, Constantin
2023 Succession management : a proficient resource in organisational sustainability?Odiachi, Joyce M.; Sulaimon, Abdul Hameed Adeola; Kuye, Owolabi Lateef
2023 Applying game-based approaches in personnel selection : a systematic literature reviewAouam, Hamza; Belmouffeq, Bouchra; Mahil, Aziza
2023 The impact of financial liberalization on the effectiveness of monetary policy in algeriaBenarbia, Rabia; Aiboud, Kada
2023 A bibliometric analysis of publications on customer service chatbotsMariciuc, Dragoș Florentin
2023 The effect of training and development methods on employee satisfaction and performance in commercial banksAktar, Serena
2023 The impact of disturbances on the us stock market’s spread and investor sentiment through the perspective of risk managementZwak-Cantoriu, Maria-Cristina; Anghel, Lucian Claudiu; Ermiş, Simona
2023 Is there an impact of company size and industry on corporate culture? : an empirical study from the Slovak RepublicMichulek, Jakub; Križanová, Anna
2022 In pursuit of happiness: how realistic is the American dream? : understanding and seizing inequalityStober, Emmanuel Olusegun
2022 The growth of research in earnings management phenomenonNagy, Marek; Valaskova, Katarina
Publikationen (sortiert nach Zugangsdatum in absteigender Richtung): 21 bis 40 von 262