Working paper

PPN 635679337, ZSS 2
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Publikationen (sortiert nach Zugangsdatum in absteigender Richtung): 1 bis 20 von 122
2024 Wohnbauanleihen und deren Bedeutung für Gemeinnützige Bauvereinigungen in ÖsterreichKössl, Gerald
2024 Housing bonds and their role for limited-profit housing associations in AustriaKössl, Gerald
2024 Cooperative entrepreneurship in Morocco : the case study of women's cooperatives in the Souss Massa regionAngade, Khadija
2023 Cooperatives as hybrid approach to pull off sustainable livelihoods development through Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) : a desk reviewMuthumariappan, Karthikeyan; Palanisamy, Karthika
2023 Hindering and facilitating factors of women’s participation in cooperativism : an approach from a comparative bibliometric study of the last 15 yearsInostroza, M. Alejandra; Sánchez, Paula Miranda
2023 From personalization to institutionalization of the Social and Solidarity Economy (SSE) at the United Nations : between innovation and continuity of bureaucracyPouzoulet, Marion
2023 De la personnalisation à l'institutionnalisation de l'économie sociale et solidaire (ESS) aux Nations Unies : entre innovation et continuité de la bureaucratiePouzoulet, Marion
2023 Concrete utopias in Marseille (France) : when the Social and Solidarity Economy (SSE) inspiresRichez-Battesti, Nadine; Cairo-Crocco, Mariagrazia
2023 Democracy and Social and Solidarity Economy (SSE) : the example of mutual health insurance in FranceLucas, Yannick
2022 Das System des gemeinnützigen Wohnbaus in Österreich : Kostenmieten, revolvierende Fonds und ökonomische AuswirkungenKössl, Gerald
2022 From "Social Impact" to "Social Value" : a holistic approach to the SSE Worth’ MeasurementBassi, Andrea
2022 The system of limited-profit housing in Austria : cost-rents, revolving funds, and economic impactsKössl, Gerald
2022 Social and green economies in the Mena region : through sustainability, public policies and SDGsPastorelli, Gianluca; Costantini, Anastasia; Serrano, Samuel Barco
2022 The socio-economic impact of public policies in the space sector in ItalyFlorio, Massimo; Castelnovo, Paolo; Lupi, Veronica; Morretta, Valentina; Vurchio, Davide; Zirulia, Lorenzo; Di Ciaccio, Simonetta; Piermaria, Mauro
2022 Gender equality and women empowerment in social economy enterprises : enablers and barriersCostantini, Anastasia; Sebillo, Alessia
2021 The public private partnerships of the social and solidarity economy in Brazil - study of the recycling enterprises and their economic and legal relations with the public powerFrancisco, Daniel; Menezes, Nagao; Morais, Leandro Pereira
2021 A journey of evaluation and impact measurement - accounts of setting up a monitoring and evaluation framework in a Romanian social economy organisationOpincaru, Irina Sinziana
2021 Patents for Covid-19 vaccines are based on public research: a case study on the privatization of knowledgeFlorio, Massimo
2021 Social and Solidarity Economy perimeter and measurement in France: why we need to foster controversies and co-produce dataBidet, Eric; Richez-Battesti, Nadine
2021 Corporate social responsibility in non-profit organizations: beyond the evidencePlaisance, Guillaume
Collection's Items (Sorted by Zugangsdatum in absteigend order): 1 to 20 of 122