Working paper

PPN 635679337, ZSS 2
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Publikationen (sortiert nach Zugangsdatum in absteigender Richtung): 21 bis 40 von 124
2021 Social and Solidarity Economy perimeter and measurement in France: why we need to foster controversies and co-produce dataBidet, Eric; Richez-Battesti, Nadine
2021 Corporate social responsibility in non-profit organizations: beyond the evidencePlaisance, Guillaume
2021 A global but not spontaneous firm: co-operatives and the solidarity funds in ItalyBernardi, Andrea; Berranger, Cécile; Mannella, Anita; Monni, Salvatore; Realini, Alessio
2020 Social incubators and social innovation in cities: a qualitative analysisPieri, Niccolò; Díaz-Foncea, Millán; Marcuello, Carmen; Tortia, Ermanno
2020 Determining factors of loyalty in Brazilian agricultural cooperativesMartinez, Christiane; Moreira, Vilmar; Barreiros, Reginaldo; Weymer, Alex
2020 Social Impact Bonds: promises versus facts : what does the recent scientific literature tell us?Rijpens, Julie; Bouchard, Marie J.; Gruet, Emilien; Salathé-Beaulieu, Gabriel
2020 Une économie politique des mesures d'impact socialJany-Catrice, Florence
2020 Understanding the heterogeneity among agricultural cooperativesBijman, Jos; Hanisch, Markus
2020 Understanding social impact assessment through public value theory: a comparative analysis on work integration social enterprises (WISEs) in France and DenmarkDufour, Bryan; Petrella, Francesca; Richez-Battesti, Nadine
2020 The digital social economy - managing and leveraging platforms and blockchain for a people-centred digital transformationBrülisauer, Samuel; Costantini, Anastasia; Pastorelli, Gianluca
2020 Local civil regimes for combating child poverty: insights from the Austrian and Belgian corporatist welfare statesSchinnerl, Melanie; Greiling, Dorothea
2020 Social inclusion: the higher education sector in Chile and in the United KingdomCastañeda, Francisco; Brown, Ed; Cloke, Jonathan; Gil, Francisco Javier; González, Máximo; Cisternas, Carla
2020 Biomed Europa: after the coronavirus, a public infrastructure to overcome the pharmaceutical oligopolyFlorio, Massimo
2020 La gouvernance des entreprises publiques en situation de monopoleBauby, Pierre
2020 In the quest for semi-industrialized economy : strategies for agricultural-based industrialization through co-operatives in TanzaniaAnania, Paulo; Nade, Paschal
2020 Long way to Universal Health Coverage (UHC): are policy dialogue processes appropriate to negotiate trade-offs in Africa? : the cases of Benin and SenegalPaul, Elisabeth; Fecher, Fabienne; Deville, Céline; Ndiaye, Youssoupha; Sall, Farba Lamine; Sambiéni, N'koué Emmanuel; Meloni, Remo; Porignon, Denis
2020 Agricultural production cooperatives and agricultural development : is there a niche after all? : findings from an exploratory survey in ChinaWolz, Axel; Zhang, Shemei; Ding, Ya
2020 Le recouvrement des coûts: un défi pour une gestion durable des déchets ménagers en Algérie : cas de la Commune d'AnnabaTolba, Tahar; Moroncini, Aurore; Kehila, Youcef
2019 Platform cooperativism in Italy and in EuropeMartinelli, Francesca; Bozzoni, Samuele; Caroli, Simone; Tamascelli, Francesca; Guerini, Giuseppe
2020 L' economie solidaire en Turquie et son écosystème : un avenir encore incertainGajac, Olivier; Pelek, Selin
Publikationen (sortiert nach Zugangsdatum in absteigender Richtung): 21 bis 40 von 124