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Economic and social development : 34th International Scientific Conference on Economic and Social Development - XVIII International Social Congress (ISC-2018) : book of proceedings : Moscow, 18-19 October 2018

Zeitraum, für den die Download-Zahlen angezeigt werden:


Summe der Downloads: 215

Conference Paper
Erscheinungsort und Verlagsname: 
Varazdin, Croatia : Varazdin Development and Entrepreneurship Agency
Englisch (eng)
(2018). Economic and social development : 34th International Scientific Conference on Economic and Social Development - XVIII International Social Congress (ISC-2018) : book of proceedings : Moscow, 18-19 October 2018. Varazdin, Croatia : Varazdin Development and Entrepreneurship Agency.


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Verteilung der Downloads über den gewählten Zeitraum:


Herkunft der Downloads nach Ländern:

Pos. Land Anzahl Proz.
1 image of flag of Philippines Philippinen 82 38,14%
2 image of flag of United States Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika 30 13,95%
3 image of flag of United Kingdom Vereinigtes Königreich 13 6,05%
4 image of flag of India Indien 7 3,26%
5 image of flag of Australia Australien 5 2,33%
6 image of flag of Czechia Tschechische Republik 4 1,86%
7 image of flag of Germany Deutschland 4 1,86%
8 image of flag of Indonesia Indonesien 4 1,86%
9 image of flag of Malaysia Malaysia 4 1,86%
10 image of flag of Poland Polen 4 1,86%
    andere 58 26,98%

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