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Connections between the laws of universe and the laws of business

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Management dynamics in the knowledge economy
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The authors draw a parallel between the laws of the universe and the laws of business. There are 30 laws of the universe and they chose 30 laws of the business. If one gets to understand and to practice these laws, one can reach self-knowledge and, ultimately, perfection. The most important laws of the universe are the law of love, the law of forgiveness, the law of mercy, the law of blessing, the law of rhythm, the law of correspondence, the law of attraction, the law of learning. The most important laws of the business are: if you can dream it, you can do it; the secret of business is to know something that nobody else knows; social networks are a kind of capital; there is only one boss: the customer; none of us is smart as all of us; turn every disaster into an opportunity; you cant grow long-term if you cant eat short-term; the more a person can do, the more you can motivate them. Each law is important in itself, as it represents a step towards self-knowledge and of the others. Both the laws of the universe and the laws of business are for the common people, not only for entrepreneurs. But together we can climb the steps towards knowledge and true.
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English (eng)
Gazzola, Patrizia/Suciu, Titus (2017). Connections between the laws of universe and the laws of business. In: Management dynamics in the knowledge economy 5 (3), S. 455 - 470.

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