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Employer branding and talent management in the digital age

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Sum total of downloads: 75

Management dynamics in the knowledge economy
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In the digital age, organizations need to reinvent themselves at a structural level and to become agiler. Digital maturity of human resources management implies a shift from traditional paradigm on workplace towards engagement, learning and development of employees and search for talent. This paper focuses on identifying the major trends and strategies concerning talent management programs and development of digital skills for employees and managers. The study reveals that in an open talent economy, employer brand is very important in recruiting and retention of high potential employees and must be focused on learning & leadership development, mobility, rewards and competency systems. At present, in order to obtain a business value, one of the major challenges that HR needs to face is the development of digital skills for managers and employees.
Persistent Identifier of the first edition: 
English (eng)
Mihalcea, Alina Daniela (2017). Employer branding and talent management in the digital age. In: Management dynamics in the knowledge economy 5 (2), S. 289 - 306.

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1 image of flag of United States United States 13 17.33%
2 image of flag of Germany Germany 7 9.33%
3 image of flag of India India 7 9.33%
4 image of flag of Slovakia Slovakia 6 8.00%
5 image of flag of United Kingdom United Kingdom 4 5.33%
6 image of flag of Trinidad & Tobago Trinidad & Tobago 3 4.00%
7 image of flag of Austria Austria 2 2.67%
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    other countries 27 36.00%

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