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The impact of management accounting practices (MAPs) on the business performance of small and medium enterprises within the Gauteng province of South Africa

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Sum total of downloads: 95

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Maziriri, Eugine Tafadzwa (2017). The impact of management accounting practices (MAPs) on the business performance of small and medium enterprises within the Gauteng province of South Africa.

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downloads by country:

pos. country total perc.
1 image of flag of Philippines Philippines 35 36.84%
2 image of flag of Nigeria Nigeria 10 10.53%
3 image of flag of United States United States 6 6.32%
4 image of flag of South Africa South Africa 6 6.32%
5 image of flag of Somalia Somalia 4 4.21%
6 image of flag of UNKNOWNLOC UNKNOWNLOC 4 4.21%
7 image of flag of India India 3 3.16%
8 image of flag of Vietnam Vietnam 3 3.16%
9 image of flag of Czechia Czechia 2 2.11%
10 image of flag of Ethiopia Ethiopia 2 2.11%
    other countries 20 21.05%

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