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STW Thesaurus for Economics

Mapping JEL classification

About the Mapping

Description:  Mapping to the STW subject categories, created by domain experts of ZBW using the alignment tool Amalgame (https://github.com/jrvosse/amalgame )
Creator: ZBW - Leibniz Information Centre for Economics
License: http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/
Rights: The CC0 license has been applied to the mapping for broad and easy re-use without legal restrictions. We would, however, appreciate an attribution to the creators (as indicated above) and the free availability of projects which make use of this mapping.
Publisher: ZBW - Leibniz Information Centre for Economics

About JEL classification

Description:  The Journal of Economic Literature Classification Scheme (JEL) was created and is maintained by the American Economic Association. The AEA provides this widely used resource freely for scholarly purposes. ZBW in cooperation with KU Leuven has published translations of the original (English) version as Linked Open Data at http://zbw.eu/beta/external_identifiers/jel .
Creator: American Economic Association
Homepage: https://www.aeaweb.org/econlit/jelCodes.php
Version: 20210225

STW Thesaurus for Economics (v 9.18, 2024-11-06)  ▪  Suggestions and comments to the thesaurus team  ▪ 
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The STW Thesaurus for Economics is licensed under CC BY 4.0.