Consortium NFDI for Business, Economic and Related Data (BERD@NFDI)

Goals of BERD@NFDI

BERD@NFDI develops a future-oriented and powerful research data infrastructure for the integrated management of unstructured data and scientific software to serve its disciplinary community. The service portfolio goes beyond the provision of a storage space for data and scientific software and is oriented strictly towards the needs of the scholarly community.

Special aspects

Besides data, BERD@NFDI focuses on algorithms and technologies that enable the collecting, processing and analysing of these data. The disciplinary community is involved through the learned societies in economics and the social sciences. A survey among early career researchers ensures that user needs are identified and taken into account. BERD@NFDI focuses the integrated management of (un)structured data and corresponding scientitic software in business and science and is clearly committed to openness (e.g. open software, open standards) and transparency (in particular FAIR Data Principles).

ZBW contribution to BERD@NFDI

The ZBW is responsible for developing infrastructure components for BERDI@NFDI that support vital phases in the lifecycle of research data. The ZBW contributes its expertise in research data management and digital information infrastructures, including technologies developed in various research data projects such as GeRDI.

Partners of the ZBW

  • GESIS – Leibniz Institute for the Social Sciences
  • Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich
  • University of Cologne
  • University of Hamburg
  • University of Mannheim (Lead)
  • University Library Mannheim