The ZBW team offers on-site library tours for interested groups in Hamburg and Kiel. It is also possible to book a virtual tour via Zoom. The appointments usually take place from Monday to Friday between 9am and 4pm.
The content of the tour is tailored to your needs and wishes and we are happy to customise the event according to your area of interest.
Our standard tour includes
- Introduction to the ZBW (services & premises)
- Introduction to the EconBiz portal (functionalities & research examples)
- Tour of the library
We offer the following additional topics:
- Introduction to scientific work (literature research, selection of search tools, recognising good sources, avoiding plagiarism)
- Brief introduction to the Electronic Journals Library (EZB), the Database Information System (DBIS) and/or the Serials Database (ZDB)
- Brief introduction to the following databases: EBSCO Business Source Ultimate, LSEG (formerly Refinitiv) and Wiso
Individuals who would like to familiarise themselves with our library and our services are welcome to take part in library tours. If you contact us, we will assign you to a group that has registered for a library tour if possible.