Document delivery

The ZBW’s document delivery team supplies literature worldwide. We scan and send individual articles to you, and you can borrow our books.

Delivery directly to you

The ZBW is a supplier library for subito, a document delivery service which charges fees. Supplier libraries for subito undertake to process orders within 72 hours for „normal service“ and within 24 hours for „express service“.
Prices for subito services

The ZBW delivers documents directly to the address you provide when you register with subito. The invoice will be sent separately by subito. Subito is available to private users, commercial users, and libraries.

Delivery to your local library

The ZBW participates in national and international interlibrary lending. If you use a library outside Kiel or Hamburg and if you find literature in our holdings that you need, you can place an ILL order with a large library near you. Please ask your local library for details.

GBV online interlibrary loan
Subito Library Service

OCLC WorldShare Interlibrary Loan

The ZBW is a member of OCLC World Share ILL and participates in ILL Fee Management (IFM).

With OCLC World Share ILL you can make ILL requests in more than 20,000 libraries worldwide. For this, OCLC World Share ILL has access to WorldCat, the world’s largest cataloguing database, which contains more than 150 million catalogue entries and more than 2 billion items held in libraries.

Our prices and our terms and conditions in the Policies Directory of WorldCat Resource Sharing

International Interlibrary Loan

If you want to borrow through ILL, please send us an e-mail at with the following details:

  • complete bibliographic details
  • ZBW call number
  • your internal order number
  • your International Standard Identifier for Libraries and Related Organisations (ISIL) number
  • your complete address
  • other information if pertinent, such as preferred edition, cost absorption etc.

We prefer payment by IFLA voucher because it is the easiest method for settling ILL fees.