Professional background
- Since 2007
Head of Department Information Systems and Publishing Technologies at the ZBW - Leibniz Information Centre for Economics - 2005-2007
Project manager at the DFG Centre of Excellence CampusContent, FernUniversität Hagen - 1999-2004
Working in industry as project manager and concept developer in the field of Electronic Publishing and eGovernment - 1996-1999
PhD at the University of Marburg, grant from the Hessian Graduate Programme - 1996-1998
Student trainee and programmer at the Chair for Comparative Politics, Professor Dirk Berg-Schlosser, University of Marburg - 1989-1996
Studies and graduation in Political Science at the FU Berlin and University of Marburg - 1987-1992
Computer studies and graduation at the TU Berlin
Conference Papers (peer reviewed)
Borst, Timo / Mielck, Jonas / Nannt, Matthias / Riese, Wolfgang
Extracting Funder Information from Scientific Papers - Experiences with Question Answering
Zerhoudi, Saber / Günther, Sebastian / Plassmeier, Kim / Borst, Timo / Seifert, Christin / Hagen, Matthias / Granitzer, Michael
The SimIIR 2.0 Framework: User Types, Markov Model-Based Interaction Simulation, and Advanced Query Generation
Latif, Atif / Borst, Timo / Tochtermann, Klaus
Collecting and Controlling Distributed Research Information by Linking to External Authority Data - A Case Study
Latif, Atif / Borst, Timo / Tochtermann, Klaus
Compiling Scholarly Profile Pages by Integrating External Authority Data
Plassmeier, Kim / Borst, Timo / Behnert, Christiane / Lewandowski, Dirk
Evaluating Popularity Data for Relevance Ranking in Library Information Systems
Borst, Timo
Sustainable Software as a Building Block for Open Science
Articles (peer reviewed)
Borst, Timo / Limani, Fidan
Patterns for Searching Data on the Web Across Different Research Communities
Behnert, Christiane / Plassmeier, Kim / Borst, Timo / Lewandowski, Dirk
Evaluierung von Rankingverfahren für bibliothekarische Informationssysteme
Limani, Fidan / Latif, Atif / Borst, Timo / Tochtermann, Klaus
Metadata Challenges for Long Tail Research Data Infrastructures
Borst, Timo
Lösungsansätze zu einer technischen Infrastruktur für Forschungsdatenmanagement
Borst, Timo / Lehmann, Maren / Pianos, Tamara / Witt, Nils
Taking Libraries’ Cultural Content to the User – Approaches and Experiences from the EEXCESS Project
Behnert, Christiane / Borst, Timo
Neue Formen der Relevanz-Sortierung in bibliothekarischen Informationssystemen: Das DFG-Projekt LibRank
Latif, Atif / Borst, Timo / Tochtermann, Klaus
Exposing data from an Open Access repository for Economics as Linked Data
Borst, Timo / Langer, Christian / Schäfers, Susanne
Journal rankings as a means for structuring bibliographic databases: a case study in Economics and Business Studies
Borst, Timo
Usage and impact of controlled vocabularies in a subject repository for indexing and retrieval
Borst, Timo / Neubert, Joachim / Seiler, Anette
Bibliotheken auf dem Weg in das Semantic Web: Bericht von der SWIB2010 in Köln
Borst, Timo / Fingerle, Birgit / Neubert, Joachim / Seiler, Anette
How do libraries find their way onto the semantic web? Conference report from the SWIB09 (Semantic Web in Libraries '09) in Cologne
Borst, Timo / Fingerle, Birgit / Neubert, Joachim / Seiler, Anette
Auf dem Weg in das Semantic Web: Anwendungsbeispiele und Lösungsszenarien in Bibliotheken
Articles in Other Journals
Borst, Timo / Loehden, Aenne / Pohl, Adrian
SWIB 14 - Semantic Web in Bibliotheken
Borst, Timo / Fingerle, Birgit / Neubert, Joachim / Seiler, Anette
Wie finden Bibliotheken den Weg in das Semantic Web? Bericht von der SWIB09 in Köln
Borst, Timo / Fingerle, Birgit / Neubert, Joachim / Seiler, Anette
Wie finden Bibliotheken den Weg in das Semantic Web? Bericht von der SWIB09 in Köln
Contributions (peer reviewed)
Borst, Timo
Improving Library Services with Semantic Web Technology in the Realm of Repository Systems
Conference Papers
Borst, Timo
Improving Library Services with Semantic Web Technology in the Realm of Repository Systems