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Results 31-40 of 10231.
Year of PublicationTitlePerson(s)
2024Benchmark prices and iraqi oil prices : the asymmetric effects of benchmark prices on three Iraqi oil blendsKahraman, Volkan; Dogan, Nukhet; Berument, Hakan
2024Clustering of companies based on sustainability performance using ESG materiality approach : evidence from IndonesiaSaraswati, Erwin; Ghofar, Abdul; Atmini, Sari; Dewi, Ayu Aryista
2024The effect of energy production and foreign trade on the economic growth of Turkic republics : a study using panel data analysis methodIbyzhanova, Aizhan; Sultanova, Zamzagul; Aliyeva, Zhanna T.; Tastanbekova, Karlygash; Abdibekov, Saken Ualikhanovich; Mustafayeva, Bagila; Myrzabekkyzy, Kundyz
2024An overview of electricity consumption in Europe : models for prediction of the electricity usage for heating and coolingYukseltan, Ergun; Aktunc, Esra Agca; Bilge, Ayse H.; Yucekaya, Ahmet
2024Analyzing the relationship between renewable energy sources, economic growth and energy consumption in GreeceHuseynli, Bahman
2024Energy consumption behavior analysis in the uae educational buildings for sustainable economy : a case study of ras Al Khaimah schoolsHossin, Khaled; AlShehhi, Hessa
2024Rolul mecanismelor regionale de cooperare în contextul geopolitic actual : oportunități și provocări pentru RomâniaJora, Octavian-Dragomir; Neacşu, Marius Cristian; Teclean, Cezar
2024Analysis of the main social macroeconomic indicators of the population during the oil boom in AzerbaijanHumbatova, Sugra Ingilab; Hajiev, Natig Gadim-Oglu
2024Impact of urbanization on environmental eminence : moderating role of renewable energyKusiyah; Mushtaq, Mansoor; Ahmed, Shabbir; Abbas, Ansar; Fahlevi, Mochammad
2024Are trade openness drivers relevant to carbon dioxide emission? : a study of emerging economiesShahida Suleman; Bin Abderrazek Boukhris, Mohamed; Kayani, Umar Nawaz; Hassanudin Mohammad Thas Thaker; Cheong, Calvin W. H.; Hadili, Abduraawf; Shehnaz Tehseen