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Results 11-20 of 28.
Year of PublicationTitlePerson(s)
2019The impact of risk management and CSR on energy efficiency within supply chain : institutional organization managementAminata, Jaka
2019The behavior of French retail investors : issues within the MiFID directive = Le comportement des investisseurs individuels français : enjeux dans le cadre de la directive MiFIDOrkut, Hava
2019Three essays in public economics: fiscal decentralization, coordination and secessionsBjedov, Tjaša
2019Sustainable resource management in european steel supply chainsTorres de Miranda Pinto, Julian
2019The endogeneity of money supply in Brazil : credit money creation after the adoption of the inflation targeting regime = L'endogénéité de la monnaie au Brésil : la création de crédit après l'adoption du régime de ciblage de l'inflationUltremare, Fernanda Oliveira
2019The accessibility in Land-Use Transport Interaction models : four essays on location choice modelsBaraklianos, Ioannis
2019Formalization and study of statistical problems in credit scoring : reject inference, discretization and pairwise interactions, logistic regression trees = Formalisation et étude de problématiques de scoring en risque de crédit : inférence de rejet, discrétisation de variables et interactions, arbres de régression logistiqueEhrhardt, Adrien
2018Mobile entrepreneurs : an ethnographic study of the migration of the highly skilledSontag, Katrin
2018Public participation during river development in Southeast AsiaBudryte, Paulina; Denecke, Martin
2018Bank internationalization and regulatory framework : organizational strategies, bank performance, and systemic riskNyola, Annick Pamen