Expert journal of marketing

PPN 778946770, ZSP 239
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Publikationen (sortiert nach Zugangsdatum in absteigender Richtung): 1 bis 20 von 49
2020 Carbonated beverage consumption among UK university studentsQutieshat, Abubaker; Aouididi, Rayhana
2020 The use of artificial intelligence in social media : opportunities and perspectivesBenabdelouahed, Redouane; Dakouan, Chouaib
2020 Entrepreneurship, innovation, and value creation : customer benefits entrepreneurs and innovators build into new productsDlamini, Sebenzile; Barnard, Brian
2020 Influence of colors as a key element in consumer marketingBytyçi, Shaip
2020 Experiential marketing impact on experiential value and customer satisfaction : case of Winter Wonderland amusement park in Saudi ArabiaNaser Alsaid, Khaloud; Ben Amor, Nour El Houda
2020 Color matters : the impact of logo color on consumer perceived eco-friendlinessRanaweera, Achini Tharaka; Wasala, Kamal
2020 Literature review : development of a model to promote and measure inspiration in online shopsSturm, Hieronymus
2020 Customer service at independent retail food chains in Kwazulu-NatalTlapana, Tshepo
2020 Not reviewing the movie but reviewing other reviews : effective online movie reviews in Japan, a country with high uncertainty-avoidance behaviorMorikawa, Miyuki
2020 Relationships between social media promotion, attention, interest, search, action, and share of tourists in Kei IslandLutur, Nellyn; Santoso, Singgih
2020 Understanding consumers' online shopping behavior during the Covid-19 pandemic : empirical researchVinerean, Simona
2020 Online shopping : motivation, loyalty and processMenoe, Dithebe; Barnard, Brian
2019 The impact of supermarkets' mobile application on Saudi customer's behavior during the buying decision processAlhudaithy, Abdullatif I. R.
2019 Microgreens - an alternative of horticultural production and marketYanes-Molina, Ana Paola; Jaime-Meuly, Rosalina; Andrade-Bustamante, Gabriela; Lucero-Flores, Tania Irasema; Martínez-Ruíz, Francisco Eleazar
2019 Social media marketing efforts of luxury brands on InstagramVinerean, Simona; Opreana, Alin
2019 Airlines customer segmentation in the hyper-competition eraAvram, Bogdan
2019 Effectiveness of mobile marketing on the customer's experience in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia : a social media perspectiveKhalufi, Nasser; Khairul Anuar Mohammad Shah; Qaisar Iqbal
2019 The adoption of residents of the city brand : a case study of Casablanca CityBelkadi, Ezzohra
2019 Analysis of behavioral intention to use a community-based information system in the City of Banda Aceh, IndonesiaRachmana Putra, Aulia; Musnadi, Said; Chan, Syafruddin
2019 The digital sales transformation featured by precise retail marketing strategyZhu, Guoan; Gao, Xue
Publikationen (sortiert nach Zugangsdatum in absteigender Richtung): 1 bis 20 von 49