Expert journal of business and management

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Publikationen (sortiert nach Zugangsdatum in absteigender Richtung): 21 bis 40 von 76
2019 Examining relationships between destination image, tourist motivation, satisfaction, and visit intention in YogyakartaSantoso, Singgih
2019 The importance of air connectivity and the impact on Romanian airportsAvram, Bogdan
2019 Entrepreneurship, innovation and creativity : the creative process of entrepreneurs and innovatorsBarnard, Brian; Herbst, Derrick
2018 Local consumers' purchase intention toward Ghanaian chocolate brandAhenkora, Kwaku; Adarkwa, Fosu
2019 Social entrepreneurship : objectives, innovation, implementation and impact on entrepreneurshipMthembu, Anele; Barnard, Brian
2018 The influence of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) disclosure on firm value with stakeholder reaction as the mediation variableDianawati, Wiwiek; Agustia, Dian; Laila, Nisful
2018 Developments on the international hotel chain marketPopsa, Roxana Elena
2018 The service quality scale debate : a tri-instrument perspective for higher education institutionsDanjuma, Ibrahim; Bawuro, Faiza Abubakar; Vassumu, Mary Augustine; Habibu, Sharif Ahmed
2018 Personal and social attributes as determinants of entrepreneurial intentionHongdiyanto, Charly
2018 The route development strategies of Romanian airports : a key challenge in modern aviationBogdan, Avram
2018 Adolescents' entrepreneurial orientation in terms of perceived self-temperamentRahmawati, Kuncoro Dewi; Wardhani, Fransisca Putri Intan; Kurniawan, Jimmy Ellya
2015 Quality service and its relation with global satisfaction in fast food consumers : a case StudyIbarra Morales, Luis Enrique; Velázquez, Jesús; Partida, Lourdes; Franco, Cinthia
2015 Competence utilization for innovation capabilities : a question of trust?Bolzern-Konrad, Britta; Egger-Batliner, Caroline; Šumilo, Ērika
2015 The impact of SOX adoption on the compensation of non-US companies boards : the case of Canadian companiesSerdiuc, Nadejda; Khemakhem, Hanen
2015 Are housing markets decoupled? : a case study of residential real estate affordability in AustriaPhilipp, Florian
2015 A conceptual mapping resource advantage theory, competitive advantage theory, and transient competitive advantagePeranginangin, Jasanta
2015 Upper echelon theory : role of community and strategyQuttainah, Majdi Anwar
2015 Global leadership and organizational change from past to nowStelzer, Alexander
2015 Remodeling strategic staff safety and security risks management in Nigerian tertiary institutionsAkpan, Sunday S.; Ayandele, Issac A.
2015 Stress and time management settings in University of Maroua, CameroonBesong, Joseph Besong
Publikationen (sortiert nach Zugangsdatum in absteigender Richtung): 21 bis 40 von 76