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2018 Economic indicators for Eastern Asia : input-output tables-
2018 Economic indicators for South and Central Asia : input-output tables-
2018 Economic indicators for Southeastern Asia and the Pacific : input-output tables-
2018 Emerging lessons on women's entrepreneurship in Asia and the Pacific : case studies from the Asian Development Bank and The Asia Foundation-
2019 The enabling environment for disaster risk financing in Fiji : country diagnostics assessment-
2019 The enabling environment for disaster risk financing in Pakistan : country diagnostics assessment-
2019 The enabling environment for disaster risk financing in Sri Lanka : country diagnostics assessment-
2017 Engaging with cities of the future : a perspective-
2019 Enhanced cooperation and integration between Indonesia and Timor-Leste : scoping study-
2019 The evolution of Indonesia's participation in global value chains-
2019 An evolving ASEANMenon, Jayant; Lee, Cassey
2017 Fast-track tax reform : lessons from Maldives-
2017 Financial regulations : intermediation, stability, and productivity : conference highlights-
2019 Financing affordable housing in Yangon-
2018 Financing for sustainable urbanization in Asia and the Pacific : Proceedings of the ADB-Asian Think Tank Development Forum 2017-
2018 The future of work : regional perspectives-
2018 Gender equality and the sustainable development goals in Asia and the Pacific : baseline and pathways for transformative change by 2030-
2019 Good jobs for inclusive growth in Central Asia and the South Caucasus : regional reportCapannelli, Giovanni; Kanbur, Ravi
2019 Good practices for developing a local currency bond market : lessons from the ASEAN+3 Asian Bond Markets Initiative-
2018 Greater Mekong Subregion : twenty-five years of partnership-