Romanian journal of economics

PPN 717197875, ZSP 230
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Publikationen (sortiert nach Zugangsdatum in absteigender Richtung): 1 bis 20 von 23
2017 The attractiveness of the research career in Romania in the European contextSandu, Steliana; Anghel, Irina
2017 Exporting high-growth enterprises, including gazelles, in RomaniaSimion, Artur-Emilian; Gheorghe, Florentina Viorica; Zaman, Gheorghe
2017 Romanian foreign trade after Brexit : impact, main challenges and limitsBanica, Elena; Valentina, Vasile
2017 Some aspects of the export performance and efficiency in the Romanian economyGheorghe, Florentina Viorica; Simion, Artur-Emilian; Zaman, Gheorghe
2018 The new paradigm of innovation economics in the 21st Century : solving the enigma of economic growthTerzić, Lejla
2018 An empirical analysis of organizational ethical climate and its impact on organizational commitment in Japanese funded enterprisers doing business in ChinaRyu, Keikoh
2017 Features of the production factors substitution and the estimated parameters of the Cobb-Douglas production function with constant returns to scale and disembodied technical changePavelescu, Florin Marius
2018 Exports, industries technological intensity, capital and labour market in RomaniaBanica, Elena; Vasile, Valentina
2018 Regional patterns of Romanian emigration : a geographically weighted regression modelGoschin, Zizi
2017 The impact of organizational ethical climate on organizational commitment and job performance : a case study of Japanese-funded manufacturing enterprises in ChinaRyu, Keikoh
2017 A multi-dimensional approach to the financial inclusion in EU countriesBarbu, Teodora Cristina; Boitan, Iustina Alina; Cioaca, Sorin Iulian; Obreja, Carmen
2017 The financial education : part of corporate social responsibility for employees and customersEne, Corina; Panait, Mirela
2017 Financial inclusion as a tool for sustainable developmentVoica, Marian Cătălin
2017 Eco-innovation promoting the circular economy in RomaniaFrone, Simona
2017 Women, children and terrorism : social, economic and political costs (empirical investigation from Pakistan 2002-2015)Bushra, Zaman; Amjad, Amin
2017 Financing regional development and competitiveness : problems and challenges at macro and micro level in BulgariaChubenova-Delisivkova, Tatjana
2017 Regional development and criminality rate in Romania : insights from a spatial analysisGoschin, Zizi
2017 Follow the money : the impact of the illicit financial flows home and abroad : a common european-african perspectiveHoinaru, Razvan
2017 Socio-economic implication of women in international migrationLipai, Tatyana
2017 The role of participatory approach in reducing social vulnerability : the example of a social intervention aiming at the re-housing of families belonging to a marginalized Roma communityLacatus, Olimpiu Bela; Adorjáni, Júlia; David-Kacsó, Ágnes; Antal, Imola; Tonk, Gabriella
Publikationen (sortiert nach Zugangsdatum in absteigender Richtung): 1 bis 20 von 23