Business Management Review (BMR)

PPN 898111358, ZSP 296
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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 61 to 80 of 115
Year of PublicationTitlePerson(s)
2020 Human resource management practices and employees' engagement in small and medium enterprises in TanzaniaMsangi, Judith; Kessy, Severine; Kitindi, Ernest
2020 Determinants of soft drink customer satisfaction and purchase intentions : comparison between Tanzania's and South Korea's customersMarius, Raina; Suphian, Robert; Jani, Dev
2020 Income tax law simplification and tax compliance : a case of medium taxpayers in ZanzibarKhalfan, Shuweikha; Kitindi, Ernest; Chalu, Henry
2020 Are households in Kagera Region in Tanzania vulnerable to poverty?Pantaleo, Innocent Muganyizi
2019 Effects of regional economic integration on regional trade in Africa : the case of regional economic communitiesMohammed, Musah; Magai, Petro Sauti
2019 Financial reporting and value relevance : empirical evidence from Indian and Tanzanian listed firmsKaaya, Indiael Daniel
2019 The influence of network configurations in enhancing SMEs' competitiveness : evidences from building materials retailers in TanzaniaKavenuke, Romed; Mboma, Lucy; Mbamba, Ulingeta
2019 The effect of output monitoring on supplier logistics performance and flexibility : the mediating effects of buyer-supplier integration in the context of essential medicines supplySalema, Gladness
2019 Account receivable management practices of smes in Tanzania : a qualitative approachRichardson, Evelyn; Kabala, Benedicto
2019 The mediating role of brand involvement in the social media use-marketing communication effectiveness relationship : a case of selected entertainment smes in UgandaMusiime, Andrew; Mwaipopo, Lufumbi
2018 Factors influencing voluntary sustainability reporting for oil and gas companies in TanzaniaChristopher, Emmanuel; Chalu, Henry
2018 An exploratory study on corporate governance practices of the selected oil and gas companies in TanzaniaMzenzi, Siasa Issa; Mori, Neema; Kurt, Alfred
2018 Social and environmental reporting of oil and gas companies in Tanzania : comparative study with gri guidelinesKikwiye, Ramadhani Salum
2018 Disclosure practices of environmental costs : evidence from oil and gas companies operating in TanzaniaMabonesho, Ernest; Ngole, Shaban
2018 Determinants of capital structure of oil and gas companies in TanzaniaChalu, Henry; Richardson, Evelyn; Ngohelo, Angela
2019 The effect of IFMIS adoption on financial reporting quality in Tanzanian local governmentsChalu, Henry
2018 Accounting choices and their determinants in oil and gas activities of global major companiesChalu, Henry
2018 Entrepreneurship training and self-employment choices of graduates : experience from selected Tanzanian universitiesShimba, Allan Isack
2018 Assessment of entrepreneurship education trends in the formal education system in TanzaniaKalimasi, Perpetua
2018 Student training for entrepreneurial promotion in Tanzania : impact on students' entrepreneurial mindset and business creation behaviourMelyoki, Lemayon L.; Gielnik, Michael M.; Lex, Maike
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 61 to 80 of 115