Management dynamics in the knowledge economy

PPN 823675920, ZSP 202
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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 21 to 40 of 262
Year of PublicationTitlePerson(s)
2023 Investigating sustainable business ecosystems and the university role : a cluster analysisSălăgeanu, Bianca-Roxana; Bejinaru, Ruxandra
2023 Guest editorial: developing sustainable, innovative, and agile higher education institutions (HEIs)Elezi, Enis; Bamber, Christopher; Nazarian, Alireza
2023 Exploring enterprise-wide risk management system in higher educationBamber, Christopher
2023 How to implement knowledge management in emerging governments in Africa and beyond : a case study on the South African governmentBarbier, Lance; Tengeh, Robertson Khan
2023 Navigating psychological crises in leadership transitionsSamuel, Abneer E.; Tsapayi, Enock Tinashe
2023 Educational leadership for equality, diversity and inclusion in curricula designTsapayi, Enock Tinashe; Samuel, Abneer E.
2023 Public debt expectations : the more you know about public debt, the less optimistic you areCiocîrlan, Cecilia; Stancea, Andreea; Stoica, Valentin
2023 A bibliometric analysis of a four-construct framework : innovation management, competitive advantage, agility and organizational performanceJerdea, Loredana
2023 Succession management : a proficient resource in organisational sustainability?Odiachi, Joyce M.; Sulaimon, Abdul Hameed Adeola; Kuye, Owolabi Lateef
2023 How shopping was transformed from offline to online space : a case study within the slovak republicNahalkova Tesarova, Eva; Križanová, Anna
2023 Intrinsic incentives for online business reviews : driving knowledge transfer across businessesGingioveanu Lupulescu, Grigoras Mihnea; Zamfir, Francisca-Elena
2023 Knowledge dynamics : exploring its meanings and interpretationsBrătianu, Constantin
2023 The impact of disturbances on the us stock market’s spread and investor sentiment through the perspective of risk managementZwak-Cantoriu, Maria-Cristina; Anghel, Lucian Claudiu; Ermiş, Simona
2023 The effect of training and development methods on employee satisfaction and performance in commercial banksAktar, Serena
2023 Applying game-based approaches in personnel selection : a systematic literature reviewAouam, Hamza; Belmouffeq, Bouchra; Mahil, Aziza
2023 Is there an impact of company size and industry on corporate culture? : an empirical study from the Slovak RepublicMichulek, Jakub; Križanová, Anna
2023 The impact of financial liberalization on the effectiveness of monetary policy in algeriaBenarbia, Rabia; Aiboud, Kada
2023 A bibliometric analysis of publications on customer service chatbotsMariciuc, Dragoș Florentin
2022 In pursuit of happiness: how realistic is the American dream? : understanding and seizing inequalityStober, Emmanuel Olusegun
2022 Long-memory models in testing the efficiency market hypothesis of the algerian exchange marketBenzai, Yassine; Aouad, Hadjar Soumia; Djellouli, Nassima
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 21 to 40 of 262