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2023Development of assessment and forecasting techniques using fuzzy cognitive mapsShyshatskyi, Andrii; Sova, Oleg; Stasiuk, Tetiana; Andronov, Vitalii; Nalapko, Oleksii; Protas, Nadiia; Pris, Gennady; Lazuta, Roman; Kovalenko, Illia; Kovalchuk, Bohdan
2022Development of methodological principles of routing in networks of special communication in the conditions of fire damage and radio electronic flowSova, Oleg
2022Development of a method of multi-criteria evaluation under uncertaintySova, Oleg; Shyshatskyi, Andrii; Nalapko, Oleksii; Marchenko, Halyna; Trotsko, Oleksandr; Symonenko, Oleksandr; Merkotan, Dmytro; Lyashenko, Anna; Havryliuk, Oksana; Velychko, Vira
2022Analysis of conditions and factors affecting cyber security in the special purpose information and telecommunication systemSova, Oleg
2022Development of force distribution methodology and means of communication for the grouping of troops (forces) in operationsSova, Oleg; Zhuravskyi, Yurii; Shyshatskyi, Andrii; Zhuk, Oleksandr; Hurskyi, Taras; Nalapko, Oleksii; Vozniak, Roman; Hatsenko, Serhiy; Lyashenko, Anna; Havryliuk, Oksana
2021Analysis of mathematical models of mobility of communication systems of special purpose radio communication systemsNalapko, Oleksii; Sova, Oleg; Shyshatskyi, Andrii; Hasan, Anatolii; Velychko, Vira; Trotsko, Oleksandr; Merkotan, Dmytro; Protas, Nadiia; Lazuta, Roman; Yakovchuk, leksandr
2021Analysis of methods for increasing the efficiency of dynamic routing protocols in telecommunication networks with the possibility of self-organizationNalapko, Oleksii; Sova, Oleg; Shyshatskyi, Andrii; Protas, Nadiia; Kravchenko, Serhii; Solomakha, Andriy; Neroznak, Yevhenii; Gaman, Oleksandr; Merkotan, Dmytro; Miahkykh, Hennadii
2021Development of a simulation model for a special purpose mobile radio network capable of self-organizationSova, Oleg; Shyshatskyi, Andrii; Nalapko, Oleksii; Trotsko, Oleksandr; Protas, Nadiia; Marchenko, Halyna; Kuvenov, Artem; Chumak, Viktor; Onbinskyi, Yaroslav; Poliak, Illia