Academic journal of economic studies

PPN 826651216, ZSP 193
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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 21 to 40 of 293
Year of PublicationTitlePerson(s)
2019 Analysis of cyclicality in the Azerbaijan economy : results of the Chi-Square testNiftiyev, Ibrahim; Namazova, Natavan
2019 An investigation on the influence of taxation on economic growth in NigeriaAdegbite, Tajudeen Adejare
2019 Economic efficiency of farm size, fertilizer, and improve seeds on rice production in Kano State, NigeriaTanko, Yusuf; Yong Kang Cheah; Rabiul Islam
2019 Econometric analysis to examine the relationship between unemployment and macroeconomics aggregates : evidence from KosovoZiberi, Besime; Avdiu, Merita
2019 Selecting subject matter experts in job and work analysis surveys : advantages and disadvantagesManea, Alexandru Ioan
2019 The effect of transformational leadership and competence on employee performance with job satisfaction as intervening variableEdward, Yusuf Ronny; Kaban, Lila Maria
2019 Game theory and its application in international trade : use of strategic games in trade policyMughwai, Vincent Lissu
2019 Underwriting capacity and financial performance on non-life insurance companies in NigeriaOyetayo, Y. A.; Abass, O. A.
2019 Institutional base and infrastructure development for non-cash payments in AzerbaijanBakhshiyev, Murad; Babashli, Vugar; Nabatov, Elsun; Hasanli, Huseyn; Gadirova, Aisha
2019 Work-life balance and employee performance in selected insurance companies in Lagos StateAnyim, Francis C.; Shadare, Oluseyi A.; Adio, Lateef A.
2019 Effects of risk culture and appetite on effective risk management in Nigerian banks : case study of United Bank for Africa PlcYusuf, Ismaila Akanni; Amadi, Agatha Nkem; Salaudeen, Mohammed Bashir
2019 Performance in the view of the managers working in the hotel industry : an empirical study made on entities from RomaniaScorțe, Carmen Mihaela; Dragolea, Larisa Loredana
2019 Fiscal policy implementation in Georgia before, during and after Saakashvili periodImamali, Samadli; Aslanov, Etibar; Veliyeva, Narmin
2019 Compliance or not with the new corporate governance code : a survey at Bucharest stock exchangeIvan, Oana Raluca
2019 The effect of transformational leadership style on employee job satisfaction towards small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in Ho Chi Minh City, VietnamVuong Khanh Tuan; Premkumar Rajagopal
2019 Convergence and divergence regarding the impact of risks on banking transactionsBîlcan, Florentina Raluca; Ghibanu, Ionuț Adrian; Bratu, Ion Ionuț; Bîlcan, George Adrian
2019 The relationship between internal control and security risk managementBîlcan, Florentina Raluca; Ghibanu, Ionuț Adrian; Bratu, Ion Ionuț; Bîlcan, George Adrian
2019 Empirical research on access to financing SMEs in RomaniaBoteanu, Carmen Mihaela
2019 Vulnerabilities and threats of information systems and communicationsGhibanu, Ionuț Adrian
2019 Assessing the effect of change in oil prices, macroeconomics on the banking sector stability in oil-producing countriesAhmed Rufai Mohammad; Bin Hidthiir, Mohamad Helmi; Nor, Alias Bin Mat
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 21 to 40 of 293