Journal of economics and political economy

PPN 797228195, ZSP 192
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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 21 to 40 of 137
Year of PublicationTitlePerson(s)
2018 Crisis, institutional innovation and change management : thoughts from the Greek caseVlados, Charis; Chatzinikolaou, Dimos
2019 Did Brexit change the behaviour of the UK's financial markets?Fakhry, Bachar
2019 Gender wage gap in the agricultural labor market of India : an empirical analysisKundu, Amit; Das, Sangita
2018 Searching for the credibility of monetary policy in Turkey : evidence from structural VAR analysisAlkan, Buket
2018 Unemployment and wages and centralization in wage bargaining : some analytical explanationsMartins, Ana Paula
2018 Analysis of political economy, international political economy, globalization and its importance to public financeRashid, Muhammad Mustafa
2018 Between gravity waves and business cycles : how to avoid global recessionsMamoon, Dawood
2018 Analysis of factors make Turkish economy fragile by LOGIT and PROBIT models (1990.01-2018:05)Tari, Recep; Büyükakin, Figen; Aydin, Seda
2018 An empirical test for the effectiveness of central bank interventions in foreign exchange markets : an application to the Canadian and Swiss Central BanksAbbuy, Kwami Edem
2018 World-system theory : a sociopolitical approach to explain eorld economic development in a capitalisticCoccia, Mario
2018 Does economic growth support the minimum wage? : evidences based in TurkeyKargi, Bilal
2018 Exchange rate fluctuations and the trade balance between China and Australia : an empirical studyWu, Sihong
2018 Naturalization : the case for constitutional reform to extend citizenship to immigrant in LiberiaGobewole, Stephen H.
2018 The recent dynamics of the stock exchange in BrazilAbdala, André; Guido, Silvia B. D.
2018 Economic globalization and poverty reduction : a Nigerian perspectiveUzonwanne, Maria Chinecherem
2018 International trade effects of a potentially revived Trans-Pacific partnership for North AmericaKaracaovali, Baybars; Talagi, Deveraux
2018 The decommissioning of the Middle ClassMavrozacharakis, Emmanouil; Dimar, Georgia
2018 Export-led or household consumption-led growth in China : an empirical analysisShaikh, Naveed Ahmed; Pirzada, Imtiaz A.; Shaikh, Erum K. Z.
2018 Emptiness existence : a free-strategic viewRosas Martinez, Victor H.
2018 Do fiscal measures stimulate private investment in Africa?Shobande, Olatunji Abdul; Olunkwa, Chidi N.
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 21 to 40 of 137