Economics and Business Letters

PPN 739898418, ZSP 191
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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 21 to 40 of 230
Year of PublicationTitlePerson(s)
2023 The impact of home protection schemes on non-performing loans in GreeceZervas, Andreas; Fasianos, Apostolos; Loizos, Konstantinos
2023 The dynamic effect of macroprudential policies on income inequality : some evidenceKonstantinou, Panagiotis; Rizos, Anastasios; Stratopoulou, Artemis
2023 Forecasting VIX : the illusion of forecast evaluation criteriaDegiannakis, Stavros; Kafousaki, Eleftheria
2023 Work, leisure, and the Monday Blue : does culture matter?Petsas, Iordanis; Li, Fengyun; Cai, Jinghan
2023 Do tourism, economic complexity and globalization affect economic growth? : new empirical evidence in the context of TALC theory and accounting for cross sectional dependencePanagiotou, Thomas; Katrakilides, K.
2023 Revisiting the Mankiw et al. (1992) growth regressionsBoikos, Spyridon; Panagiōtidēs, Theodōros; Serenidou, Elisavet; Stengos, Thanasēs
2023 Financial development, economic growth, and income inequality : a Toda-Yamamoto panel causality testSotiropoulou, Theodora; Giakoumatos, Stefanos; Geōrgopoulos, Antōnēs N.
2023 Underemployment and overemployment in Central EuropeDvouletý, Ondřej
2023 Gender and job satisfaction in OECD countriesKose, Tekin; Avcioglu, Kubra
2023 Does Okun's law suffer from COVID-19? : evidence from Europe and the USRussnak, Jan; Stadtmann, Georg; Zimmermann, Lilli
2023 CSR committee and firm value during the COVID-19 pandemicHsu, Yu-Lin; Chu, Ya-Ching
2023 Environmental, social and governance scores in Europe : what drives financial performance for larger firms?Gonçalves, Tiago Cruz; Barros, Victor; Avelar, José Vicente
2023 Developing central bank digital currencies : a reality check during cryptocurrency euphoriaCioroianu, Iulia; Corbet, Shaen; Larkin, Charles; Oxley, Les
2023 Heterogeneity in investment behavior in sustainable products : the case of thematic fundsFraile, Lucía de Carlos; Crespo-Cebada, Eva; Mirón-Sanguino, Ángel Sabino; Díaz-Caro, Carlos
2023 Steady state economic freedomMurphy, Ryan
2023 The degrees of central bank digital currency adoption across countries : a preliminary analysisLe, Tu D. Q.; Son H. Tran; Nguyen, Dat T.; Thanh Ngo
2023 A note on national leadership and technology in moderating finance-growth nexusTang, Chor Foon; Salisu, Mannir
2023 Executive compensation and bank risk in ChinaHuang, Qiubin
2023 Regional healthcare infrastructure disparities and foreign direct investment into EuropeSormain, Juliane; Ryan, Michael
2023 The labour market trade-offs of pet ownershipMaris, Robbie; Cameron, Michael
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 21 to 40 of 230