Working paper

PPN 635679337, ZSS 2
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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 81 to 100 of 122
Year of PublicationTitlePerson(s)
2018 The financial performance, restructuring and privatisation of the shipyards in the Republic of CroatiaBajo, Anto; Primorac, Marko; Hanich, Martin
2018 State-owned enterprises : rationales for mergers and acquisitionsFlorio, Massimo; Ferraris, Matteo; Vandone, Daniela
2017 Social and solidarity economy as a tool for territorial development and socio-occupational inclusionMorais, Leandro Pereira; Bacic, Juan
2017 Investissements publics nécessaires : le rôle potentiel des banques publiquesCingolani, Massimo
2017 Equilibrium unemployment as a worker insurance device : wage setting in worker owned enterprisesAlbanese, Marina; Navarra, Cecilia; Tortia, Ermanno
2017 The design of IEP sites : aiming for an inclusive economic participation of urban citizens in FlandersVallet, Nathalie; De Nys-Ketels, Simon; Bylemans, Michelle
2017 Les assureurs mutualistes actifs sur le marché de lassurance municipale en EuropeKadende, Francis
2017 Clap along if you know what happiness is to you! : wealth, trust and subjective well-beingMusson, Anne; Rousselière, Damien
2017 Pupils' cooperatives and the acquisition of competences for sustainable developmentGöler von Ravensburg, Nicole
2016 Openbare diensten en opdrachten van openbare dienst in Belgie : stand van zakenCaponetti, Lia; Demertzis, Vaia; Sak, Barbara
2016 Services publics et missions de service public en Belgique : etat des lieuxCaponetti, Lia; Demertzis, Vaia; Sak, Barbara
2016 Het Europese regelgevingskader voor openbare diensten : wetgeving, financiering en dwangenCaponetti, Lia
2016 Le cadre réglementaire européen en matière de services publics : législation, financement et contraintesCaponetti, Lia
2016 Politiek-institutionele uitwerkingswijzen van de openbare dienstenDemertzis, Vaia
2016 Modes délaboration politico-institutionnelle du service publicDemertzis, Vaia
2016 Hoe kan men de openbare diensten door hun verschillende facetten, missies en principes definieren?Caponetti, Lia; Sak, Barbara
2016 Comment définir le service public à travers ses différentes facettes, missions et principes?Caponetti, Lia; Sak, Barbara
2016 Major public enterprises in AustriaGreiling, Dorothea; Kostal, Thomas; Obermann, Gabriel
2016 La economía social en la literatura económica y en los hechos : 30 años de historia del CIRIEC-EspañaMonzón Campos, José Luis
2016 Heterogeneity and self-selection into nonprofit managementPuyvelde, Stijn Van; Jegers, Marc
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 81 to 100 of 122