Expert journal of marketing

PPN 778946770, ZSP 239
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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 49
Year of PublicationTitlePerson(s)
2020 Online shopping : motivation, loyalty and processMenoe, Dithebe; Barnard, Brian
2020 Experiential marketing impact on experiential value and customer satisfaction : case of Winter Wonderland amusement park in Saudi ArabiaNaser Alsaid, Khaloud; Ben Amor, Nour El Houda
2020 Color matters : the impact of logo color on consumer perceived eco-friendlinessRanaweera, Achini Tharaka; Wasala, Kamal
2020 Influence of colors as a key element in consumer marketingBytyçi, Shaip
2020 Understanding consumers' online shopping behavior during the Covid-19 pandemic : empirical researchVinerean, Simona
2020 Literature review : development of a model to promote and measure inspiration in online shopsSturm, Hieronymus
2020 Customer service at independent retail food chains in Kwazulu-NatalTlapana, Tshepo
2020 Not reviewing the movie but reviewing other reviews : effective online movie reviews in Japan, a country with high uncertainty-avoidance behaviorMorikawa, Miyuki
2020 Carbonated beverage consumption among UK university studentsQutieshat, Abubaker; Aouididi, Rayhana
2020 The use of artificial intelligence in social media : opportunities and perspectivesBenabdelouahed, Redouane; Dakouan, Chouaib
2020 Entrepreneurship, innovation, and value creation : customer benefits entrepreneurs and innovators build into new productsDlamini, Sebenzile; Barnard, Brian
2020 Relationships between social media promotion, attention, interest, search, action, and share of tourists in Kei IslandLutur, Nellyn; Santoso, Singgih
2019 Effectiveness of mobile marketing on the customer's experience in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia : a social media perspectiveKhalufi, Nasser; Khairul Anuar Mohammad Shah; Qaisar Iqbal
2019 Microgreens - an alternative of horticultural production and marketYanes-Molina, Ana Paola; Jaime-Meuly, Rosalina; Andrade-Bustamante, Gabriela; Lucero-Flores, Tania Irasema; Martínez-Ruíz, Francisco Eleazar
2019 The adoption of residents of the city brand : a case study of Casablanca CityBelkadi, Ezzohra
2019 The impact of supermarkets' mobile application on Saudi customer's behavior during the buying decision processAlhudaithy, Abdullatif I. R.
2019 Analysis of behavioral intention to use a community-based information system in the City of Banda Aceh, IndonesiaRachmana Putra, Aulia; Musnadi, Said; Chan, Syafruddin
2019 Social media marketing efforts of luxury brands on InstagramVinerean, Simona; Opreana, Alin
2019 Airlines customer segmentation in the hyper-competition eraAvram, Bogdan
2019 Indonesian marine tourism : developing a favorable tourism destination to attract international sailing boatsChan, Syafruddin; Aprilia, Cut; Zainul, Zaida Rizqi
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 49