Central and eastern european journal of management and economics

PPN 832586013, ZSP 360
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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 14 of 14
Year of PublicationTitlePerson(s)
2019 Application of selection techniques of optimal planning and evaluation of a system layout in virtual environmentDubel, Anna; Stryhunivska, Olena
2019 Research and development activity in Poland following the accession to the European Union (in the years 2004-2017)Sadłowski, Adam; Stępkowski, Paweł
2019 Logistic processes in non-governmental organisations and their impact on the activity of entities in the Third Sector in PolandKyć, Grzegorz
2019 Analysis of management as exemplified by the Municipalities of Cracow, Łódź and Wrocław in 2010-2016Kostrzewska-Obertaniec, Malwina
2019 Debt of Polish local governments and assuming its supplies in the years 2011-2017Ostachowski, Paweł
2019 Socially responsible territories : selected issuesMałgorzata, Kmak
2019 Value Added Tax (VAT) and rules of settlement occording to amendment the law of VAT : selected issuesTalik, Wioletta
2019 The importance of the type of accounting records from the perspective of company's tax policyTalik, Wioletta
2019 Multidimensional organizational climate measurement inventory MOCMI : verification of author's climate model and validation and validation of the toolWudarzewski, Grzegorz
2019 Innovation in Polish enterprises over the period of 2008-2016Sadłowski, Adam; Stępkowski, Paweł
2019 Selected problems and development prospects of local government units' accountingRogozina, Svetlana
2019 Referring commune's resident to social welfare home as commune's direct responsibility : selected issuesDrelichowska, Angelika
2019 Utilization of it achievements by local self-government units as a way to increase public participation in governanceCiesielski, Jarosław
2019 Conceptualization of product development model based on use function evolutionFilipowicz, Paweł
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 14 of 14