
PPN 1738745007, ZSM 7
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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 15 of 15
Year of PublicationTitlePerson(s)
2021 Betwixt and between: integrating refugees into the EU labour marketGalgóczi, Béla
2020 The challenge of digital transformation in the automotive industry : jobs, upgrading and the prospects for developmentDrahokoupil, Jan
2020 Social policy in the European Union 1999-2019: the long and winding roadVanhercke, Bart; Ghailani, Dalila; Spasova, Slavina; Pochet, Philippe
2019 Collective bargaining in Europe: towards an endgame ; volume 1 ; Volume 1 / edited by Torsten Müller, Kurt Vandaele and Jeremy WaddingtonMüller, Torsten; Vandaele, Kurt; Waddington, Jeremy
2019 Collective bargaining in Europe: towards an endgame ; volume 4 - Source materials ; Volume 4 - source materials / edited by Torsten Müller, Kurt Vandaele and Jeremy WaddingtonMüller, Torsten; Vandaele, Kurt; Waddington, Jeremy
2019 Bleak prospects: mapping trade union membership in Europe since 2000Vandaele, Kurt
2019 The future of EuropeScherrer, Peter; Bir, Juliane; Kowalsky, Wolfgang; Kuhlmann, Reinhard; Méaulle, Matthieu
2019 Collective bargaining in Europe: towards an endgame ; volume 2 ; Volume 2 / edited by Torsten Müller, Kurt Vandaele and Jeremy WaddingtonMüller, Torsten; Vandaele, Kurt; Waddington, Jeremy
2019 Collective bargaining in Europe: towards an endgame ; volume 3 ; Volume 3 / edited by Torsten Müller, Kurt Vandaele and Jeremy WaddingtonMüller, Torsten; Vandaele, Kurt; Waddington, Jeremy
2020 Posting of workers before national courtsRasnača, Zane; Bernaciak, Magdalena
2019 Towards a just transition: coal, cars and the world of workGalgóczi, Béla
2020 Working under pressure : employment, job quality and labour relations in Europe's public sector since the crisisKeune, Maarten; Ramos Martín, Nuria; Mailand, Mikkel
2019 Restoring multi-employer bargaining in Europe: prospects and challengesKlaveren, Maarten van; Gregory, Denis
2019 Exercising voice across borders: workers' rights under the EU Cross-border Mergers DirectiveCremers, Jan; Vitols, Sigurt
2018 Cancer and work : understanding occupational cancers and taking action to eliminate themMusu, Tony; Vogel, Laurent
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 15 of 15