
PPN 1740222571, ZSM 9
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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 24
Year of PublicationTitlePerson(s)
2020 A preliminary assessment of the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on Azerbaijani economy-
2020 2021 state budget of Azerbaijan: independent viewGasimova, Narmina
2020 Amendments to state budget of Azerbaijan for 2020: reasons and expectationsGasimova, Narmina; İslamlı, Nigar
2019 Social consequences of the oil price shock in the resource rich post-soviet countries-
2019 The Azerbaijani economy in the first nine months of 2019 : brief overview-
2019 2020 state budget of Azerbaijan : brief independent review-
2019 Azerbaijan's tourism sector - opportunities and obstaclesHashimli, Madina
2017 The effect of oil price fluctuations on the exchange rate of the national currency of Azerbaijan : assessment of the years 2014-2017Hashimova, Kamala
2017 The current situation and problems of state-owned enterprises in AzerbaijanHashimova, Kamala; Kadyrov, Zaur
2017 A comparative study on development of small and medium enterprises (SMEs) in AzerbaijanBayramov, Vugar; Hasanov, Rashad; Aghayarli, Leyla; Kadyrov, Zaur; Aghahasanli, Ismayil; Isayev, Sanan
2018 Baku-Tbilisi-Kars : regional implications and perspectivesBittner, Victoria Ariel; Ibrahimli, Minavvar
2018 Azerbaijani national currency : is the current status quo sustainable?-
2018 New debt policy in Azerbaijan : hopes, realities, risks and perspectivesHasanov, Rashad
2018 Social economy for Azerbaijan : a key component of sustainable development?Hasanov, Rashad; Jahangirli, Nurlan; Bittner, Victoria Ariel
2018 An analysis of the costs and benefits of increasing Baku's public transportation tariffs-
2018 Azerbaijan's country-wide electricity blackout : problems, causes, and results-
2018 Amendments to the 2018 state budget in Azerbaijan : back to the oil boom period?Hasanov, Rashad
2018 A decline in the Central Bank's reserves and growth in demand for foreign currency in Azerbaijan : what's next?Hasanov, Rashad
2018 The national currency rate of Azerbaijan : after the presidential electionsHasanov, Rashad; Huseynov, Kamran
2018 Higher oil price : sustainable or temporary economic growth?Breban, Dan; Jahangirli, Nurlan; Rasulova, Leyla
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 24