BEROC working paper series

PPN 870150715, ZSP 283
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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 17 of 17
Year of PublicationTitlePerson(s)
2020 Traders in the food distribution chain : estimating trade costs and markups from price dataArshavskiy, Victor; Nyarko, Yaw; Pelligrina, Heitor
2020 Personal financial incentives and corporate campaign contributionsFedaseyeu, Viktar; Lvovskiy, Lev
2019 Institutions and comparative advantage in services tradeArshavskiy, Victor; Gnutzmann-Mkrtchyan, Arevik; Mazol, Aleh
2018 Effectuation processes, gender, innovativeness and performance of SMEs : case of BelarusAkulava, Maryia
2018 What forms gender wage gap in Belarus?Akulava, Maryia; Mazol, Aleh
2018 The value of corporate political connections : evidence from sudden deathsLvovskiy, Lev; Fedaseyeu, Viktar
2018 Political responsibility for different crisesLvovskiy, Lev
2017 Trade war and EACUVashchilko, Aleksandr
2017 Market integration and the law of one price in GhanaArshavskiy, Victor; Dave, Chetan; Nyarko, Yaw
2017 Fiscal incidence in BelarusBornukova, Kateryna
2017 The trade effect of GSP removalGnutzmann, Hinnerk
2017 Determinants of poverty with and without economic growthMazol, Aleh
2017 Committee assignments and the value of corporate political connectionsFedaseyeu, Viktar
2017 Politicized tradeGassebner, Martin
2017 Corporate Engagement in Fighting Corruption and Tax Evasion in Construction SectorLuzgina, Anastasia; Vaivode, Ilze; Volberts, Janis; Laukkanen, Erkki; Larjavaara, Ilmari
2017 Does good corporate governance supports economic developmentMazol, Aleh
2017 The influence of financial stress on economic activity and monetary policy in BelarusMazol, Aleh
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 17 of 17