EIZ working papers

PPN 557798167, ZSS 7
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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 37
Year of PublicationTitlePerson(s)
2024 Methodological development of digital economy indices : a review and agenda for future researchButurac, Goran
2023 Public perception of creative and cultural industries in CroatiaBudak, Jelena; Rajh, Edo; Holy, Mirela
2023 Gender differences in management styles during crisis and the effect on firm performanceBotrić, Valerija; Radas, Sonja; Škrinjarić, Bruno
2022 Girl power: creating more with lessRadas, Sonja; Škrinjarić, Bruno
2022 Missing top incomes and tax-benefit microsimulation: evidence from correcting household survey data using tax records dataLedić, Marko; Rubil, Ivica; Urban, Ivica
2022 Change of consumers' attitudes in response to an online privacy violation incidentŠkrinjarić, Bruno; Budak, Jelena; Rajh, Edo
2021 Fiscal policies, inequality, and poverty in CroatiaNguyen, Nga Thi Viet; Rubil, Ivica
2021 Tax progressivity and social welfare with a continuum of inequality viewsLedić, Marko; Rubil, Ivica; Urban, Ivica
2021 Adoption of digital and ICT technologies and firms' productivityAralica, Zoran; Škrinjarić, Bruno
2021 Innovation in the public services at the local and regional levelĐokić, Irena; Rašić, Ivana; Slijepčević, Sunčana
2020 Theoretical concepts of consumer resilience to online privacy violationBudak, Jelena; Rajh, Edo; Slijepčević, Sunčana; Škrinjarić, Bruno
2020 The impact assessment of the EU pre-accession funds on agriculture and food companies : the Croatian case = Procjena učinka pretpristupnih fondova EU-a na poljoprivredna i prehrambena poduzeća : slučaj HrvatskeKukoč, Marin; Škrinjarić, Bruno; Juračak, Josip
2020 "Fine...I'll do it myself" : lessons from self-employment grants in a long recession period = Stavovi javnosti o sivom trž ištu duhanskih proizvoda u zemljama zapadnog BalkanaSrhoj, Stjepan; Zilic, Ivan
2019 Public opinion on tobacco gray market in the Western Balkans : a cluster analysis approach = Stavovi javnosti o sivom trž ištu duhanskih proizvoda u zemljama zapadnog Balkana; Budak, Jelena; Rajh, Edo; Buturac, Goran; Brković, Anamarija
2019 The economic effects of political disintegration : lessons from Serbia and Montenegro = Smanjenje razlike u financiranju kroz poticaj : evaluacija uc̆inaka bespovratnih sredstava za z̆ene poduzetniceMonastiriotis, Vassilis; Zilic, Ivan
2019 Closing the finance gap by nudging : impact assessment of public grants for women entrepreneurs = Smanjenje razlike u financiranju kroz poticaj : evaluacija uc̆inaka bespovratnih sredstava za z̆ene poduzetniceSrhoj, Stjepan; Škrinjarić, Bruno; Radas, Sonja; Walde, Janette
2019 Tobacco smuggling in the Western Balkan region : exploring habits, attitudes, and predictors of illegal tobacco demand = Krijumčarenje duhana na zapadnom Balkanu: navike, stavovi i determinante potražnje za ilegalnim duhanomRecher, Vedran
2018 Smart city indicators : can they improve governance in Croatian large cities?Jurlina Alibegović, Dubravka; Kordej-DeVilla, Željka; Šagovac, Mislav
2018 Working for 200 euro? : the effects of traineeship reform on labor market outcomes in CroatiaTomić, Iva; Zilic, Ivan
2018 The perceived impact of government regulation in reducing online privacy concernŠkrinjarić, Bruno; Budak, Jelena; Rajh, Edo
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 37