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econ-ws Examples: /suggest2

Autosuggest entries from large datasets

The /suggest2 Web Service for Economics can be integrated into a web application through Javascript functions on the web page level. This is demonstrated here on a simple HTML page. The example uses the YUI AutoComplete Widget, which can be easily combined with other javascript libraries. Please take a look at the Javascript source code embedded in this page.


  • econ_pers - Subset of about 430,000 economists (referenced in EconBiz or with economics related professions) of the differentiated persons of Integrated Authority File (former Personennamensdatei), by DNB, extracted from GND 2015-05-13 download (de only)
  • econ_corp - Subset of about 145,000 economics institutions (referenced in EconBiz or institutions which employ economists) of the corporate bodies of Integrated Authority File (former Gemeinsame Körperschaftsdatei, GKD), by DNB, extracted from GND 2015-05-13 download (de only)

(For stw and jel dataset, see /suggest example.)

Selected terms:

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